A&D is a certified specimen collector. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your DNA testing.



Alleviate Stress Uncertainity & Confusion

Swift Precise & True


  • Paternity
  • Maternity
  • Grand Percentage
  • Siblingship
  • Avuncular (Aunt/Uncle)
  • Immigration
  • US Citizenship
  • DNA Profile


  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Court Order
  • Birth Certificate
  • Name Change
  • Tax Forms
  • Will/Estate Settlement
  • Adoption
  • Othr Legal Reasons


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A Personal Profile is your own unique DNA profile composed of 23 markers. DNA Solutions stores this profile in our own database, allowing you the opportunity use this profile later for relationship or identification comparisons. DNA Profiles can also be personalized gift to provide to family members.
Paternity testing is the comparison of a child to an alleged father to determine the probability of a biological relationship. Although not required, the mother's sample is strongly recommended to help improve statistics and to eliminate the chance of fraud. Samples are obtained by using a buccal swab and swabbing the inside of the cheek for approximately 30 seconds.
Maternity testing is the comparison of a child to an alleged mother to determine the probability of biological relationships. Samples are obtained by using a buccal swab and swabbing the inside of the cheek for approximately 30 seconds.
Grand-Parentage testing is used when the sample for the alleged father cannot be obtained. The child is then compared to the alleged father's parents (the child's paternal grandmother and/or grandfather). Testing can be performed between the child and one grandparent, although we recommend providing samples from both the grandmother and the grandfather if available. If only one grandparent is available for testing we would then advise providing a sample from the available grandparent and the child's mother to improve the statistics and limit the chance of obtaining inconclusive results.
Siblingship testing is used when the sample for the alleged father or mother cannot be obtained. The testing is performed between alleged siblings to determine biological relationship. There are two siblingship tests: full vs half and half vs unrelated. Testing can be performed between the siblings only, although we recommend providing a mother's sample with the siblings to improve the statistics and limit the chance of obtaining inconclusive results.
Full v. Half - The siblings being compared share the same mother but are unsure of the father.
Half v. Unrelated - The siblings being compared know they have different mothers but believe they might share the same father.
Avuncular testing is used when the sample for the alleged father cannot be obtained. The child is then compared to the alleged father's siblings (the child's alleged aunt or uncle). Testing can be performed between just the child and one of aunts/uncles, although we recommend providing a sample for the mother to improve the statistics and limit the chance of obtaining inconclusive results.
DNA testing is requested by a U.S. Embassy or United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office when they cannot prove a clear biological relationship with prior submitted documentation. DNA Testing is the most accurate way to prove biological relationship.

To start the DNA Immigration process DNA Solutions will need these two things:

  • Immigration Paper work requesting DNA Testing (this should contain an immigration case number and names of all participants).
  • A completed Immigration Information Form. The petitioner must provide as much contact information for each participant as possible.

A&D Insurance and Financial ProSe Firm LLC

5401 South Kirkman Rd.
Corporate/Administrative Office Suite 317
Main Lobby Suite 310
Orlando, FL 32819

 (407) 926-6802

 (407) 264-8020

  [email protected]